10% seltzer cocktail made with Kiwi Strawberry juice, lime juice, grenadine, and agave.
Are the heat and humidity finally subsiding? Does anyone know? We’ll see right? Either way ya slice it, the days are definitely getting cooler. This crispy, nuanced, and heckin’ tasty lager is our last nod to the golden days of Summer. Named after the scientific genus name covering the many species of sunflowers… My Darling, Helianthus will have you dreaming of the Sun’s warm embrace once again.
Built on a mixed base of two different European-style pilsner malts, with a touch of wheat… and the star of the show, malted sunflower seeds. The seeds themselves lend a very light nutty complexity to the whole and melds well. Hallertau Blanc and Hallertau Mittelfruh hops toss off their lovely noble grassy and floral notes. We fermented it with a traditional German lager strain and let the beer rest and lager out for 8 weeks to get a lovely dry, crisp character to round it it all out damn nicely.
Come on down and snag yourself one, or more, of this delicious libation!