10% seltzer cocktail made with Kiwi Strawberry juice, lime juice, grenadine, and agave.
Banoffee Pie Double Stout
Something dessert-esque has made its way to our line up, y’all. We don’t skirt into full-on pastry stout territory here, but let’s say “pastry lite”… all the hallmarks are there, just not as intense and full-bore. Needless to say though, it’s darn tasty! Inspired by its namesake, all the lil’ bits are in there, but cohesive enough to remain a stalwart stout at its core.
Built on a mixed base of Maris Otter and Golden Promise, both from across The Pond. A myriad of crystal malts, along with choice roasted malts, and a couple kinds of oats make for a lovely, lightly sweetened experience. We also decided to toss 40 lbs. of graham crackers into the mash to be extra and get some pie crust nods as well… why not? A specialized yeast strain that tosses off loads of banana aromatics rounds everything else out, while adding another crucial element to the whole of the beer.
Big, yet beguilingly smooth… sweet, but not cloyingly so… and hits all the right notes to suggest dessert-y noms. Come on down and try a pour of this dark libation!
The Deets:
Maris Otter
Golden Promise
Crystal Medium
Crystal T-50
Munich II
Malted Oats
Golden Naked Oats
Carafa II De-Husked
Roasted Barley
Graham Crackers
ABV: 8.0%