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9Mile's OKTOBERFEST happening Saturday, September 21st!

Lurtz – Schwartzbier

Unseasonably warm temps are upon us. However, this newest gem of a dark lager on tap straddles the oft-changing chilliness and warmth nicely. Enter from stage left… Lurtz! If a famished Uruk-Hai leading a raiding party were to guzzle down a beer after a glorious victory this would most certainly be it… Built on a base of German Pilsner with a supporting cast of German specialty malts including: two types of Munich, some Carafa II, a touch of Carafoam, and a wisp of Roasted Barley. Hallertau Mittelfruh lends a delicate balance while a traditional German lager yeast strain rounds it all out and ferments it to a moderate dryness. Crisp, clean, & malt-forward with a solid roasted quality that isn’t overpowering… come down and snag yourselves a pint and slay it with gusto!

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