10% seltzer cocktail made with Kiwi Strawberry juice, lime juice, grenadine, and agave.
Nothing says slaying your thirst in this hot & sticky weather than a damn fine Raspberry Lemon Sour!!
This newest addition to our line up is tart, refreshing & not overloaded with fruit… but nicely nuanced & a crusher for sure.
Bulit with a simple grist consisting of all local MN malt from our buds at Maltwerks. Pilsner, White Wheat, and Acidulated malts weave an excellent canvas to build flavor/aroma upon with ease. Vista hops give off tiny wisps of citrus. A small, yet assertive, addition of lemons & a touch of raspberries lend their charms to this ale. A sour-producing yeast strain from our pals at Berkeley Yeast provides the overt, clean tartness.
Come on down and beat the heat with a few of these gems!